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Data FAQs


We know Business to Consumer (B2C) data very well. Your next marketing campaign is more likely to be a success with highly targeted data.

We can also help with marketing fulfilment. We own our own Email and SMS marketing platform.

Get in touch with one of our data experts to talk through your B2C data needs today.


If you need to target consumers with your product and services then you need to talk to us about which consumer mailing list or lifestyle data is best suited to you.


Yes of course. Your are the soul owner of your lists.
You can download you subscribers into any spreadsheet. The file it will be downloaded in is a .CSV file.


You can edit or delete individuals / entire lists from your account.
The small icons located to the right of each subscriber enables you to edit or delete them.


We can always help with your UK consumer data. Consumer data has become the lifeblood of many UK retail companies.

We are able to select marketing data by:

and many more demographics. Weather it's SMS data or Email data, we know that we can help your next campaign become a success.

Get in touch.


We know Business to Business (B2B) data very well. Your next marketing campaign is more likely to be a success with highly targeted data.

We can also help with marketing fulfilment. We own our own Email and SMS marketing platform.

Get in touch with one of our data experts to talk through your B2B data needs today.


Mobile marketing and SMS lists are a powerful tool to have in your direct marketing.

We have access to mobile data lists with over 8 million mobile phone numbers.

Sourced only from suppliers with impeccable credentials, you can be sure that your SMS lists and SMS text messaging campaigns will have the numbers to succeed.


Multiple verified, third party opt-in sources.


European data, US B2B data, South African companies or from further afield.

Whether it be mailing lists for direct mail, email lists for cost-effective email campaigns or telemarketing data for direct marketing - we know we can help!


Consumer data can be finely tuned to your exact requirements, so whether you want to select your email list by occupation, leisure interests, hobbies or preferred holiday destinations, Now Marketing will advise and source on your behalf, the best email lists for your direct marketing.

As we only recommend approved and tested suppliers you can rest easy in the knowledge that the consumer data we find will be legally and ethically sound.


We can always help with your UK Business data sourcing. Business data has become the lifeblood of many UK B2B companies.

We are able to select marketing data by:
Contact Person

and many more metrics. Weather it's UK SMS data or Email data, we know that we can help your next campaign become a success.

Get in touch.


Our partners have a continuous supply of fresh data daily from contracted sources, primarily in the UK.


1. We have multiple sources of data suppliers to cross reference.
2. We overlay data in the public domain.
3. In some cases our partners will call the prospect on the telephone to verify the criteria we have for them.


Yes the list is on our website. We cover most B2B metrics and B2C lifestyle demographics.


Postcodes, Occupational, Age... Full list here:


We work only with UK data suppliers. Our relationship allows us to overlay lifestyle and business information from multiple supplier sources at once; thus giving our client what they want.


Should you upload your data to our platform, we can then screen your existing data against any data count we do for you. Eliminating you re-buying duplicates for records you already own. Our system automatically uses either an email address, mobile number or both together to identify an individual. This creates a tight system of only one instance of a contact ever existing in your online database with us. Other providers may differ.


We own our own broadcast platforms for both Email and SMS. All bounce or 'gone away' addresses are suppressed automatically.


Most spam traps are dormant email address at some point first. Continuous data cleansing is the key here. These addresses will bounce email for a period before becoming a spam trap. Another known source for spam traps is email harvesting from web pages. We do not engage in this activity.


With this lifestyle and business information we can overlay from multiple supplier sources in the same batch; optimising the targeted criteria of the data count request of the client. We are also a broadcaster so we get the results first hand. You will also have a web-based account where you can view real-time campaign performance for both Email and SMS campaigns. Targeting of the exact same prospect criteria on Social networking websites is also possible. e.g. We have an email address for a prospect, we can target that individuals timeline at the same time.


Primarily UK, we are not as competitive for data sourced overseas.


We seldom work with volumes sub 5,000 records per order. Our average is circa 45,000 records per order.


We try to only release marketing data once per sector in a said period. This allows a competitive edge e.g. A pizza company in Bath asks for 18-45 year olds in BA1, BA2, BA3. We would not licence these records within the campaigns arranged duration to another client in a conflicting sector of business. Please ask about this at the point of ordering data from us.


This varies a lot, dependant on many factors including; subject line, offer incentive, A strong call to action or If the recipient has seen the Brand before?? A bad campaign typically has a 2-3% open rate, We have witnessed good campaigns yielding 79% opens. Clicks are governed by the quality and relevance of the content.

We support all deliverablity aiding technologies as standard, including; DKIM, SPF, Domain Keys and DMARC.


All data is opt-in for third party use. The is a mixture of both single and double opt-in is dependant on supplier source used to collate your data order.


By private data transfer directly from the supplier. This can be in multiple data formats.


No, we have never charged for data counts. We just ask that you are clear from the offset of what your target is.


Lease only - We have found that most data over 12 months old becomes very unreliable and stagnated. We see an average of 1.5% data decay per month. This figure escalates over time. A record does become yours to own at the point the prospect starts to transact with you; this is defined at agreement stage.


Yes, we continuously remove bounces, opt-outs and spam complaints. Any business operator that does not is frankly; a fool. 99% of recipient ISPs deploy some type of sender and content analysis. If you are lazy approaching this area, it shows with enormous sender reputation consequences; impacting largely on your ability to hit the desired inbox.




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